Tyroler’s spring 2011 Creative Documentary Portrait Class hosted community guest photographer William McAlister, shown here sharing his large format Polaroid prints with students and colleagues.
Barbara Tyroler will be teaching the Photography Projects Seminar in the spring 2012 term for the Continuing Education program at the Center for Documentary Studies. To learn more about the course and to register, please visit the Continuing Education registration site.
Barbara Tyroler produces site-specific portraiture for corporations, universities, and health-oriented nonprofits. Tyroler, who has an M.F.A. in digital art and an M.Ed. in education, taught lens-based critical theory at the University of Maryland and founded and directed the Photographic Arts Outreach Program there before returning to her hometown, Chapel Hill, in 2009. See more of her work on her website: www.btyroler.com
Photography Projects Seminar
Advanced | Taught by Barbara Tyroler
January 30–March 5, 2012
Center for Documentary Studies, Duke University
Course fee: $320
The Advanced Audio, Photography, and Video Projects courses provide documentary artists with the opportunity to work with award-winning professionals in small group settings. Each term, CDS invites three established artists to teach the Advanced Projects Seminars, which are designed for individuals who are working on projects and are seeking creative guidance. This is an opportunity for students in the certificate program to refine their work before applying for the Final Seminar. Participants are required to share excerpts from their works-in-progress, and the courses are designed around the specific needs of participants.
Different artists will teach the seminars each term, giving students the opportunity to hear multiple perspectives on their work. Students may take the course for credit more than once. This is also an ideal course for students who have completed the Certificate in Documentary Arts and are looking for professional advice to move forward in their careers, including information on finding resources (grants, fellowships, artist residencies) to support their work. Certificate students are required to take a seminar in their chosen concentration before enrolling in the Final Project Seminar.
Register Now for Photography Projects Seminar